Monday, 15 July 2019

5 Reasons Why Balconies Leak

A balcony collapse is not as uncommon as you may think. Frequently used areas of our homes require solid foundations, appropriate material choices, and quality finishes.
Realistically, very few of us have the time and resources to conduct careful examinations throughout the construction or renovation of our home. While we like to think a job is completed with competency, often proper sequencing and installation are compromised. These flaws in construction can cause leaking and water seepage throughout our homes, including our balconies.

Primary causes of a balcony leak:

      Ceramic tiles with few expansion margins
Well grouted ceramic tiles are great however if there are a few expansion margins left between the joints, they can be the cause of a balcony failure. The tiles, when exposed to heat, are likely to expand, resulting in compression of the joints and causing tiles to lift and leave entries for water. Poor installation of tiles with inadequate expansion joints are a chief cause of balcony leakage.

      Cracked or missing grouting
Grouting is a key component of thorough balcony construction. Cracked or missing grouting from corners and between tiles can be detrimental to the structure of a building. Even a small crack in the grouting can result in water seepage. A drenched balcony is likely to absorb water through cracked or missing grouting. Grouting must not be overlooked in construction, it is fundamental to the longevity of a structure. 

      Improper slopes
The poorly thought out slope of a balcony can cause water to pool, triggering a slow drip inside the structural material. Subsequently, it compromises the waterproofing of the balcony and increases leaking issues. When constructing a balcony, the slope must track away from the building so that water can stay clear of joints.

Sealants prevent water infiltration and must be used on windows, doors, trims, flashing and more. Sealant requires periodic inspection and maintenance to keep joints secure from water infiltration. A quality sealant can last for 20 years, however, if not maintained can be a major cause of leakage.

Flashing is a form of weatherproofing. According to building codes, flashings keep framing membrane and sheathing uncompromised. Flashings play an important role in building exteriors such as windows, doors, piping, joints, etc. Flashing is a sheet of thin material which prevents water flow into the structure. No flashing = water penetration and seepage.

If you are concerned about the health of your balcony or want leak detection services, contact us on 1300 658 007  for a complimentary consultation, or visit our website for further information about our services: