Sunday, 20 October 2019

Bathroom Inspection Checklist

Never judge a book by its cover, but always judge a home by its bathroom.

As a buyer or seller, a bathroom has the potential to make or break your final decision, this is because it’s one of the key problem areas of any property. As you may well know, bathrooms are prone to leakage ultimately leading to moisture, mould and if left untreated, mayhem.

So, here are Megasealed’s tips to turn your bathroom from a deal breaker into a deal maker. 
A little bathroom rejuvenation before an inspection can be as simple and easy as a cosmetic fix, so get out a rag and some Brasso and polish that steel to a high shine. Alternatively, you can save yourself the hassle and call the experts at Megasealed to either degrout, regrout and remove mouldy silicone.

Sometimes however, there are much more sinister problems at large, such as a leaking shower. While a leak may look like an easy fix the case is often much more difficult and costly.

Is your bathroom smelling musty, is the paint peeling off the walls, is it damp and mouldy? If your answer is, yes. Perhaps hold off on the open houses until this is remedied.

The first step is to identify the source of the leak. With Megasealed’s non-invasive thermal imaging technology, we can save you unnecessary trouble and expense when it comes to identifying the source of the problem, without removing tiles.

If the source of the leak is internal you might need a new waterproofing membrane. Megasealed have the shower waterproofing experts to fix this problem as quickly and cost-effectively as possible. We even do the clean-up.

Chipped and decaying grout is also a red flag for a potential buyer. At Megasealed our regrout solution is ideal to give your bathroom that ‘new’ look.

When it comes to bathrooms, we know it’s easy to cut corners, but a leak can compromise the very foundations of your property, and any potential buyer isn’t willing to gamble on your DIY bathroom. Contact a Megasealed professional today and let your bathroom sell itself. Going, going, gone!